How does the price compare to Yellow Pages?

Rating: +8

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For the relatively expensive prices the Yellow Pages and other "old media" charge compared with the value provided, it is no wonder businesses are running towards our Search Engine Optimisation as their preference.

From the data we've seen, our clients easily get around 10 - 30 times more traffic than they get from a Yellow Pages / Sensis Clickmanager (both offline book directory and online ads and directory) advertising campaign.
Since you can get at least 30 times more value from our services in comparison, the decision is easy.

Even if Yellow Pages charged a third of what they did, we would still think an expert SEO campaign would cost less AND reach many more highly targeted people.

The beauty of Search Engine Optimisation VS Yellow Pages, apart from it's great value for money, is that you can see clear visible results, and easily track performance, clicks, views, position in Google, sales, email enquiries, as well as the standard phone calls.