Cheapest Web Hosting

There are thousands of companies out there claiming to have the cheapest web hosting, but do you know what to look for in a reliable and affordable web host service? If you are serious about your online business, your website and SEO, you need a better and cheap web host who can offer you the best services.
We will tell you exactly what services to look for, and pitfalls to be wary of, then at the end of this article we’ll recommend the best hosts who deliver the most features and at a price that is likely to be much cheaper than what you are paying now!

Don’t be fooled, there are reliable and affordable hosts out there, who are also the cheapest and offer better services than any of the rip off merchants. For some reason the Australian web host industry thinks they can charge you a lot more than most companies, and offer you less. We want to put an end to this, and let you in on a well known industry secret of much better web hosts out there.

The majority of Australian based website hosts are expensive and offer less service than most, and less functions than a modern website actually requires to run core functions.

Here is a list of what to look for with cheap web hosting providers:

Hosting / Disk space

At a minimum your host should offer you at least 2GB of disk space for all your files and uploads for a small site, and 10GB for a bigger site.
This will allow you to comfortably host high quality pictures, graphics, scripts, databases, flash animations, a few documents and a small video or two. Unfortunately most hosting plans from other people don’t even cover this basic need!

Bandwidth / Data Allowance

This is directly proportional to how much disk space your site uses, and how much traffic you get. If the average user used only 1MB of bandwidth with each visit to your website (loaded a few pages that had a few pictures/graphics on them, and no videos), 1000 of these typical visitors would use 1GB of bandwidth. If your monthly web host only offers you 1GB of data (as many do), your website could be temporarily shut down for the remainder of the month!). At a minimum we would suggest a host that offers 10GB of bandwidth. If your site has downloadable documents, videos, scripts, and flash animations or you expect a reasonable amount of traffic then consider 100GB+ minimum, unlimited is even better.

SQL Scripts

A simple modern website often uses 2 or more SQL scripts to run the database and Content Management System (CMS), more advanced sites will need to use many more. Unless your website is 10 years old (and if it is, you have much bigger problems), it may not use any. But then when you go to update and add new features or upgrade your site you will be unable to since your host prevents you running any SQL scripts. Many Australian web hosts, even the expensive ones, offer zero or only one SQL script. If you plan on having a functional website with useful features you should chose a hosting provider that offers at least 2 SQL scripts.

Extra Domains

Most business owners now have more than one website for one or multiple businesses, or at least own more than 1 domain name. perhaps a and a .com, .org or for the same business name.
Any reliable and serious host should provide the ability to host at least 2 domains as part of the hosting package deal (most Australian host companies only offer to host a single domain). There are specialist SEO hosting companies that offer unique IP for each domain. The jury is still out for dedicated SEO hosting companies.

So who is the best and most reliable web host?

You can find cheap web hosting that achieves all the above requirements for a very affordable cost, cheaper than the majority, more reliable, and offer much more services.

The only host we recommend (and we’re sure any other knowledgeable web design or SEO expert will agree it is the industry’s best and cheapest web host) offers:

  • Unlimited space
  • Unlimited bandwidth and data transfer
  • Unlimited domains
  • Unlimited SQL scripts
  • A 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • They even give you $100 Adwords credit!
  • Many more advanced features and bonuses…

All this for only a few dollars a month. This is an unbeatable service, offering you much more than a standard company in Australia normally offers, and for much less. They offer some of the most comprehensive services for any size web business, and offer some of the cheapest web hosting!

Right now if you are with anyone else it is likely you are paying too much, and not getting the features or plan your website requires.
To get the cheapest web hosting, follow that link. For a special additional 25% of the advertised price, use the secret discount coupon code: cheaphost4aus
-This is biggest discount code you can get, on an already great deal.