Should you use Twitter?

What the heck is Twitter?

One of the most common questions the Control Alt Elite team get asked by our new SEO clients is “What is twitter?” followed by “Should we use it?”. Twitter is  a social networking and microblogging service. Don’t mind those web 2.0 buzzwords, it is simply a communication system that enables users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page.
You can send out status updates for the world to see. People can chose to “follow” anyone; friends, celebrities, businesses including yours, to stay up to date with interesting people they like, and you may also follow them or anyone else.

As an example you could send out brief announcements to your followers, such as daily specials and a website link,and this is also visible by potential new customers. There is also the opportunity for potential customers to interact with your account, send feedback, and spread the word about your company to their friends and followers. Thanks to Twitter, major events and news now spreads across the world to millions in seconds, literally, before it is even mentioned on the tv news networks!

What is the use of twitter?

The business applications of such a service may not seem immediately obvious to your own business, but when you realise Twitter has hundreds of millions of users, and is growing by around 300,000 users per day, that is a massive potential market you are missing out on, and have the chance to tap into like never before possible.

All major companies implement their twitter accounts into their business functions now. To not take advantage of this technology is like ignoring half your target demographic, while soon enough your competitors will slowly steal all your customers.

Your customers are hungry for news, the only entities hungrier for new content are the search engines, Google loves Twitter content. Just another reason you need a well managed twitter account immediately, to assist your overall business SEO.

The power of Twitter.

Control Alt Elite’s SEO techniques put Twitter marketing on steroids. Our top secret technology laser targets potential new customers based on interests, location, and our tools can be programmed to potentially target anyone seconds from them even mentioning your targeted keywords. Imagine a Melbourne twitter user mentions they “chipped a tooth”, and we had already set the account of our Melbourne dentist client to scan for such occurances and automagically follow the new customer, and send them a private message to ask if they’d like to make an urgent appointment. Cha-ching! The customer is so grateful that our dentist client was “concerned” and looking out for them, and the dentist we work with just made another sale, and probably a lifetime customer worth thousands of dollars.

Now imagine this being repeated for you on auto-pilot 10, 20, 50+ times a week every week for a small investment which in return will make you a small fortune. You just made an insane ROI (return on investment) and your target market is so perfectly focused on, like a laser target, they will be practically knocking down your door for your products, and driving your conversions through the roof. No other company we are aware of has such Twitter SEO technology, at least not available to public. Coupled with our standard website Search Engine Optimisation service to get you on page one naturally, your business will be unstoppable.

Some of our clients accounts are in the Top 20 most followed accounts in Australia. They were previously unknown companies, but in Internet celebrity terms are now more followed than most Australian celebrities and blue chip business accounts. Our clients reach an audience of hundreds of thousands of loyal followers directly every day.

As an added bonus the companies who invest in our services can take advantage of the Control Alt Elite client network and optionally cross-promote each other, further exposing your business to an even larger audience, and sending your followers sky-rocketing above your competition.

To have the Melbourne SEO Twitter gurus fighting in your corner and be 2 steps ahead of your competition please speak to us now about applying for this service now. Positions are strictly limited.